When passion meets profession, then the feeling developed for it is limitless. A bike is just not a vehicle, it is an emotion for many people out there. Riding gives you the excitement to thrill on the roars of the bike. One of the amazing feeling is to enjoy biking and going on a long road trip. To keep up the love alive for riding, certain tips are to be followed so that you grow old by age but always stay young when you put your helmet on.Β
Below-mentioned tips are to be followed when professional and other riders are riding within the city.
Wearing a helmet is apparently for safety and is also mandatory by law. Most of them make the mistake of buying a cheap helmet that covers a part of the skull. Better investment in a good helmet with appropriate certification is always a wise decision.
Two-wheeler vehicles do not require more space when compared to 4-wheelers; bikers have a preconceived notion, that they can get in between heavy vehicles. Hence, driving without maintaining a safe distance can lead to severe accidents. Furthermore, implying the correct left and right indications will avoid accidents and confusion for other riders and drivers.
When you ride on the same route on a regular basis, muscle memory takes over the mechanical activity, considering the traffic signals, which area has heavy traffic, which roads are easy going and so on; thus, riders often do not pay much attention on the road. To be prepared for what is coming next, the rider should always keep an eye on the road. As if it is his/her first ride, to avoid injuries; don't ever let your muscle memory take over.
One of the most important tip a bike rider should always use is the brakes quickly. As, India have many pedestrians jaywalking showing hand signals on the road; for which one has to always have his/her fingers on the brake, you cannot afford to fumble when a vehicle or pedestrian is closer to your bike. Hence, should apply them on time to avoid accidents.
The general rule which is followed by all is that the two-wheelers should always ride on the left side of the road. If the rider wants to overtake, he/she can move by showing the right indicator and then, come on the left side after overtaking the vehicle. Especially, when there is heavy traffic, riders should be on left as it is easy to map read and escape.